Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Dyeing

We got 6 inches of snow this weekend.  I am in the middle of a 5 week online course at Quilt U on dyeing cotton from Marjie McWilliams, so my studio is all set up for dyeing.  Perfect circumstances to try snow-resist dyeing. This wasn't part of the course, just a side project.

Looks like a giant snow cone, doesn't it?  the fabric is scrunched up on a screen over a bowl.  the dye is squirted over the snow.  As the snow melts the dye runs down into the fabric, making pretty patterns (or not).    

The photos above look better than the actual results, which are not quite as bright.  The only one I am in love with is the red/orange/yellow one.  The other two have ......possibilities.....

I also tried this on a yard-and-a-half of t-shirt fabric, which I think is a poly/cotton (based on the flame test).  Because of the polyester content I knew it would not absorb the dye as well, I just wanted to see what would happen.  The photo again is better than reality

1 comment:

  1. I saw firsthand the remarkable detail of Helen's new apron! You be da god of da stitch machine!!!!!! Stefano


I want to hear from all of you who want to talk about sewing and sewing machines!